Transcutaneous Blepharoptosis Surgery: Simultaneous Advancement of the Levator Aponeurosis and Müller’s Muscle (Levator Resection)
Transcutaneous blepharoptosis surgery with simultaneous advancement of the levator aponeurosis and Müller’s muscle (levator resection) is a popular surgery which is considered effective for all types of blepharoptosis except for the myogenic type. Repair of ptosis cases with good levator function yields excellent results. A good outcome can be also obtained in cases with poor levator function, however, in such cases; a large degree of levator advancement may be required, which may result in postoperative dry eyes, unnatural eyelid curvature and astigmatism. These cases are therefore better treated with sling surgery. With the right patient selection, the levator resection technique is an effective method for ptosis repair.