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Comparison of Visual Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction Following Cataract Surgery with Two Monofocal Intraocular Lenses: Clareon® vs AcrySof® IQ Monofocal
This study aimed to compare the performance of two monofocal Intraocular Lenses (IOL) platforms.
The Clareon® Intraocular Lens (IOL) is a relatively new monofocal lens platform designed to improve postoperative results compared to other monofocal platforms.
This study aimed to assess and compare the visual and refractive outcomes, and incidence of YAG capsulotomy of the Clareon® IOL and a standard non-preloaded AcrySof® monofocal IOL following contralateral implantation in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
A total of 20 patients (40 eyes; 12 female, average age 72.8±6.4 years) who had undergone contralateral implantation of an AcrySof® IQ monofocal lens (SN60WF or SN6AT; Alcon; Texas, USA) and a Clareon®monofocal lens (CNAOT0; Alcon; Texas, USA) were selected. Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity (UDVA), Contrast Sensitivity (CS), kinetic perimetry, and refraction were measured 1 month following the second surgery and subjective vision was measured 6 months following the second surgery using a quality-of-life questionnaire.
There was no difference in postoperative UDVA (P=0.94), CS (P>0.05), or refraction (P=0.64) between eyes that received the Clareon® and AcrySof® IQ lenses. Clareon® eyes had a higher incidence of glare/haloes and positive dysphotopsia while AcrySof® IQ eyes had a higher incidence of negative dysphotopsia. Patient satisfaction was similar between the groups (P=0.86), although 25% of patients reported more clarity in the eye that received the Clareon® lens. The incidence of posterior capsular opacification was low for both groups.
Clareon® and AcrySof® IQ lenses perform similarly, providing good refractive, visual, and subjective outcomes. Clareon® is available as a preloaded lens option and may reduce PCO and the need for Nd: YAG capsulotomy.